All silver jewelry listed on this site are available for wholesale purchase. I sell wholesale only to retail customers who are buying for the purpose of re-selling the items in a store, over the internet, at a flea market, to their friends, etc. I do not sell wholesale to people who are buying for personal use or gifts, no matter what the quantity.
If you are interested in purchasing anything you see on this site wholesale, please use the form below to contact me. Include your name and store address. Or, if you do not have a store, how you plan to re-sell the items. I will then email to you the URL of my wholesale website along with a password for full access to wholesale prices.
Are you thinking about starting your own little jewelry business on the side? If so I may be able to help. This is how I got started and it has turned out to be a nice steady stream of supplementary income. Read my about page to read the details of how I got started. The basic story is I made a investment of about $500 to buy some inventory and haven't had to invest any money since, 6 years later. I started out selling the rings at church fairs, outdoor festivals, and flea markets. I even had friends host "jewelry parties"- they would invite their friends, I'd sell my stuff and they got paid off in free jewelry. Everyone was happy! I found these to be very effective. Later, I got into wholesaleing and within the past year started selling on ebay. After eBay, I got hooked- taught myself to program and built this website. So, as you can see, the possibilities are numerous.
I don't want to give the false impression that this is easy; like anything else, it takes work and some money to get started, but it is very doable. If you are serious, or just considering, doing anything like I described please contact me. I would be happy to have a phone conversation (what a novel idea!) before you make any purchase to see if this could work for you. I can also provide consultation via email as you get started. I have NO interest in pressuring anyone to buy my products. Treating your customers right is the key to success, as well as a nice thing to do, and this is what I continually strive for.
If you would like to contact me with questions about wholesale ordering, or to ask basic questions about how to get started with an online or off-line jewelry business, I will be happy to provide more information. I am also available to talk on the phone- just include your phone number in the form below or call 401-709-4420. I have limited time for phone inquiries, so if you call please have a few specific questions in mind. I am happy to help, as I am able!
Thank you for your interest. I appreciate your business.